Overall Objectives

Overall Objectives

Section: New Results

Information spreading in dynamic graphs

We showed how a technique used to analyse the flooding completion time in the case of a special class of random evolving graph model, that is, the edge-Markovian model, can be used in order to prove that the flooding completion time of a random evolving graph (G t ) t0 is bounded by kD+2C, where intuitively (1) k is the smallest time necessary for the rising of a giant component, (2) D is the diameter of the giant component, and (3) C is the time required for the nodes outside the giant component to eventually get an edge connecting them to the giant component [30] . Then, based on this result, we developed a general methodology for analysing flooding in sequences of random graphs and we applied this general methodology to the case of power-law evolving graphs (that is, sequences of mutually independent random graphs such that the number y of nodes of degree x distributes like 1/x β for some β>0), and to the case of an arbitrary given degree distribution.